Join us to celebrate World Autism Awareness Week at the following Pasda events

Create!  An Autism Showcase

A showcase of creative work by autistic adults along with organisations that support them, with a focus on employment.

Wednesday 28th March

Central library, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh 11am – 6pm

Film Night – Life Animated

Followed by a Question & Answer session with individuals from the autism community.

Monday 26th March, 6pm at the Filmhouse, Lothian Rd, Edinburgh.

Tickets available from the Filmhouse box office. Carer tickets available if purchasing a ticket for person you care for.

Talk by Colin Williamson

Monday 26th March at 1.30 pm at Wester Hailes library, 1 Westside Plaza, EH 14 2ST.

Colin will be talking about his life and late diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome at the age of 48yrs.

Information for families/carers and autism awareness will be available at all events.

Information about other events taking place for WAAW can be found on the City of Edinburgh council website.