ÔÇ£[left-to-right] Graeme Syme, Dylan Hamilton, Rachel Pickett, Danuta [Danni] Szerszynska, Donna Nelson
Donna Nelson, Executive Manager
Donna ensures that the Vision, Aims and Objectives of Pasda are realised, and leads the development and communication of Pasda's strategic plan.
Donna ensures that the Vision, Aims and Objectives of Pasda are realised, and leads the development and communication of Pasda's strategic plan.
Dylan Hamilton, Project Manager
Dylan oversees the day-to-day running of Pasda.
Dylan oversees the day-to-day running of Pasda.
Graeme Syme and Danuta [Danni] Szerszynska, Project Workers
Graeme and Danni provide ongoing one-to-one support to carers on any topics that are of concern; they also facilitate workshops and run support groups.
Graeme and Danni provide ongoing one-to-one support to carers on any topics that are of concern; they also facilitate workshops and run support groups.
Rachel Pickett, Administrator
Rachel is responsible for all administrative tasks including compiling Pasda's monthly newsletters and workshop bookings.
Rachel is responsible for all administrative tasks including compiling Pasda's monthly newsletters and workshop bookings.
Judith Younger, Fundraising Officer
Judith works on the sustainability of Pasda's funding, identifying sources of funding and completing funding applications.
Judith works on the sustainability of Pasda's funding, identifying sources of funding and completing funding applications.