Pasda Online Chat Guidelines

What is the Carer Forum for?

This forum is a place where carers are able to communicate with each other; to be able to share stories, ideas and suggestions. The forum can be a place where positive outcomes are shared. Whilst it is a platform to highlight the positive aspects of a carer’s role it will also be a place to underline the negative ones, and to to collaborate to find answers to the issues carers are presented with. We hope that the forum is able to help carers to keep well informed and to stay well connected as a community. We offer this forum to carers as a means to bolster each other and support one another in their roles as a carer.

The forum has been created in line with Pasda’s vision and aims, which can be seen below.

Pasda’s Vision and Aims

Our vision is that families of adults on the autism spectrum will live meaningful and fulfilling lives.
Our mission is to empower and support families of adults on the autism spectrum in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

We aim to improve the health and wellbeing of family carers of adults on the autism spectrum in Edinburgh and the Lothians through:

  • Peer support
  • Information
  • Social activities

We aim to raise awareness of the needs and aspirations of families of adults on the autism spectrum, with professional bodies and the public, in order to influence policy and change attitudes.

We aim to work in partnership with others to promote the sharing of practical knowledge and experience in order to improve the quality and range of services available to adults on the autism spectrum and their family carers.

We work in partnership to be carer-led, innovative, resourceful, inclusive and compassionate.