Carers of autistic adults who reside in West Lothian are welcome us for a cuppa and some conversation. We meet at Sycamore House, Quarrywood Court, Livingston, EH54 6AX This meeting will be facilitated by Sarah Cornelious from Pasda and is supported by Carers of West Lothian Please email us to register your interest.
Join us for a cuppa and some conversation at our next Pasda Carers Coffee Morning. It will facilitated by Tom and Sheila Wightman. Resident therapist will be available to give members a mini hand/arm or neck/ shoulder massage. We meet at Number 6, 24 Hill Street, Edinburgh in the Training Room on the first floor. […]
Pasda Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday 14th September 2024 . 10am until Noon, at The Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge Edinburgh, EH1 1EL. We will meet in the Iona Room. Please reserve your place by emailing or calling us as places are limited. 0131 475 2416 […]
Carers of autistic adults who reside in East Lothian are welcome join us . We meet at the Fraser Centre in Tranent, East Lothian. This group is facilitated by Sarah Cornelius. If you have not been before and would like to attend , please email us at for more information
Our next Walking Group will be a leisurely stroll along Gullane Beach , in East Lothian. Please meet Sarah Cornelious and Tom Wightman at the entrance to the Car Park in Marine Drive, Gullane. We will have a light lunch after the walk. Please remember to wear appropriate clothing for the day and let […]
Although this event is helad in Edinburgh , it is open to all unpaid carers who support and austistic adult (age 16 and over) who reside in Edinburgh and The Lothians.
Our monthly Saturday coffee morning is open to all families and friends of autistic adults (over16 ) who reside across Edinburgh and the Lothians. It is facilitated by Pasda Volunteer, Marion Rodgers. We meet at the Library Room at Juniper within Hotel Indigo , Princes Street, Edinburgh . It is situated on the first floor. […]
Carers of autistic adults who reside in West Lothian are welcome us for a cuppa and some conversation. We meet at Sycamore House, Quarrywood Court, Livingston, EH54 6AX This meeting will be facilitated by Sarah Cornelious from Pasda and is supported by Carers of West Lothian Please email us to register your interest.