Pasda Walk n Talk Group

Saughton Public Park Edinburgh

Our walk this month sees us take a wander around Saughton Public Park in Edinburgh. Please meet walk leader Sarah Cornelious outside the Gorgie Road/ Balgreen Road entrance between 10.30am […]

Pasda East Lothian Carers Group

Fraser Centre 3 Winton Place, Tranent, United Kingdom

Carers  of autistic adults  who reside in East Lothian are welcome join us . We  meet at the Fraser Centre in Tranent, East Lothian. This group is facilitated by Sarah […]

Pasda Coffee Morning (Sat)

Hotel Indigo 20 Princes St,, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Our monthly Saturday  coffee morning is open to all families and friends of autistic adults (over16 ) who reside across Edinburgh and the Lothians. It is facilitated by Pasda Volunteer, […]

Pasda Edinburgh Support Meeting

24 Hill Street 24 Hill Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Although this event is held in Edinburgh , it is open to all unpaid  carers who support and austistic adult (age 16 and over) who reside in Edinburgh and The […]